Semi-Truck & Trailer Salesperson Tips for Success

Jim McCormack
Sell more commercial trucks!

Post listings

You should post listings of your large trucks and equipment on the leading truck and trailer sales websites. Specifications sheets are very detailed and long. Different parts of the country have different regulations, and trucks in different regions highlight different specifications that conform with those local laws. Make certain that your listing specifications are detailed, and include similarly detailed photographs with your listings.

Don't forget the after hours

When you are first starting out, don't overlook the after hours. Be available to respond to emails and answer calls during the evenings and on weekends. Few salespeople do this, and you will stand out if you are a truck salesman who is able to work with your customers and to answer their questions on their time instead of only during the workdays.


Tank trailer and truck

Keep in regular contact

In order to be successful with truck and trailer sales, it is vital that you stay in regular contact with your customers. Your existing customers are excellent prospects for your future sales. Ask customers for their future business or to give you the opportunity to provide them with quotes in the future. When you maintain regular contact with your customers, you will be the first salesperson who comes to mind when it comes time for them to make new truck purchases later.

Set up your own website

In addition to posting listings on leading sites, make sure to set up your own website. List your inventory on your website along with your photographs and specifications. Some classified sites offer websites that include equipment listings and website hosting for monthly fees.

Ask your customers questions

When you first meet a customer who is in the market for a heavy truck, start by asking him or her a few questions. You should begin by asking the customer how he or she will use the truck. This question lets you understand which features to highlight so that you can show how your truck can meet the customer's needs. You should also ask your customer how he or she intends to pay for the truck. This question will guide you in making financing recommendations that will fit the customer's budget.

Establish a social media presence

Many people spend significant amounts of time on social media. Don't overlook social media as a potential driver for your business. Establish a social media presence for your business. This can help to drive traffic to your ads and website.

Working as a heavy truck salesperson can be rewarding and profitable. By listing your inventory, staying in good contact with potential customers and highlighting features in a manner that shows your customers how your truck can benefit them, you can quickly become a successful truck salesman.